In Indonesia, rainfall is still significant spatially and temporally. In order to gain optimal results from utilising water resources, we have to ensure that the precipitation data is provided in good quality and quantity. Several spatial rainfall measurement sources have become available in recent years, such as GPM data (Global Precipitation Measure). In this study, the GPM IMERG V.06 product was evaluated using rain gauge measurements in the Lau Simeme watershed in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. The relevance of the GPM IMERG was tested by direct comparison with observations at different time scales (daily, monthly, annual and seasonal) between 2005 and 2019. Results show that the satellite product provides poor rainfall estimations at the daily and annual time scales. However, the accuracy of GPM IMERG Final datasets is improved when temporally average to monthly timescale (R2 of 0.728, RMSE of 68.318 mm and NSE of 0.725), wet seasonal time scale (R2 of 0.673, RMSE of 79.287 mm and NSE of 0.658) and dry seasonal time scale (R2 of 0.947, RMSE of 20.356 mm and NSE of 0.924).