Abstract-The wake behind a bluff body constitutes an intrinsically three-dimensional flow and it is known that twodimensional simulations yield to an unphysical prediction of the body forces because of the nature of the two-dimensional NavierStokes equations. However, three-dimensional simulations are too computationally expensive for cases such as marine risers, which have very large aspect ratios and are exposed to a high Reynolds number flow. A quantitative and qualitative study has been performed to investigate the fundamental differences on the wake of two-dimensional and three-dimensional fixed spanwise periodic cylinders for a Reynolds number of 10 4 . A very fine unifrom grid (503M points) has been used for the near and mid wake range, and it is shown that the wake presents very different vortical structures when the spanwise dimensionality is omitted. In this case, forces such as lift and drag are overpredicted. The kinetic energy spectra of the flow is also investigated to further discuss the physics inherent of each case together and it is found that the contribution of the spanwise velocity on the large wavenumbers is significantly smaller than the other velocity components.