A free radical may be low-reactive if its unpaired p-electron may be delocalized, e.g., over conjugated bonds as in the case of allyl radical CH 2 =CHĊH 2 or along a double bond from carbon to the more electron-affine oxygen as in the case of formyl radical HĊ=O. Note that the activity of a free radical is also connected to the reaction heat in which it participates. In nonbranched-chain processes of reactive free radical (addend) addition to double bonds of molecules, the formation of rather low-reactive free radicals in reactions, which are parallel to or competing with propagation via a reactive radicals, lead to chain termination, because these low-reactive radicals do not participate in further chain propagation and because they decay when colliding with each other or with chain-carrier reactive radicals thus resulting in inefficient expenditure of the latter and process inhibition. In similar processes involving the addend and inhibitor radicals in diffusion controlled bimolecular chain-termination reactions of three types, the dependences of the rate of molecular 1:1 adduct formation on the concentration of the unsaturated component (which is the source of low-reactive free radicals in a binary system of saturated and unsaturated components) have a maximum, usually in the region of small (optimal) concentrations. The progressive inhibition of nonbranched chain processes upon exceeding this optimal concentration may be an element of self-regulation of the natural processes returning them to a steady state condition. Here, reactions of addition of reactive free radicals to multiple bonds of alkenes, formaldehyde, and oxygen molecules to give 1:1 adduct radicals are taken as examples to consider the role of lowreactive free radicals as inhibitors of the nobranched chain processes at moderate temperatures. In the case of oxidation, there are tetraoxyl 1:2 adduct radical arising upon addition of a peroxyl 1:1 adduct