eeived IV tnury PHPRY in (nl form IT epril PHPRY epted IW epril PHPRY pulished online PW wy PHPRA he possiility of using network of multiEwlled ron nnotues @mwgxsA s lowEost humidity sensor is studied in the workF en inrese in the eletril resistne nd pitne of the otined sensors ws reveled with inresing ir humidityF he onentrtion dependenies of the sensing ility nd the dynmi hrteristis of resistive nd pitive mwgxEsed humidity sensors were investigtedF st ws estlished tht the formtion of the mwgx network on the porous silion @A sustrte inreses its sensitivity to wter vporF he response time of the humidity sensors sed on the mwgs nd the is less thn one minute t room tempertureF Key words: multiEwlled ron nnotuesD porous silionD humidity sensorD sensing ilityD response timeF hysX httpsXGGdoiForgGIHFQHWUHGjpsFPVFPVHI