data, but also allows complex sequential logic operations using logic gates to be performed. [ 3 ] The nonvolatility of this technology, [ 1 ] its potential ultra-low power consumption, [ 4 ] the possibility to address data using spin-transfer-torque [ 5 ] or the spin-Hall effect, [ 6 ] the robustness of some designs against data transfer errors caused by thermal fl uctuations, [ 7 ] and the high speeds of data transfer [ 8 ] have identifi ed NML as a promising candidate for future computing technologies. One of the main unresolved challenges for NMLbased technology is data transfer in the vertical direction, a necessary step toward 3D spintronic systems. [ 9 ] We have recently extended the idea of using solitons in coupled magnets for vertical (out-of-plane) data transfer. [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17] For this, multilayered synthetic antiferromagnets (SAFs) formed by N ferromagnetic layers and coupled via Rudderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interactions through N -1 nonmagnetic interlayers were used ( Figure 1 ). We have shown that in an even-N -layer system, we can control the nucleation and propagation of solitons by exploiting the surface spinfl op transition (SSF): [ 10 ] an edge layer thicker than the others acts as a gate, switching independently from the rest at the SSF fi eld and nucleating a soliton at the bottom of the system. When the fi eld is relaxed, the RKKY coupling between layers causes the upper layers to switch in a cascade-like manner, propagating the soliton upward throughout the spin interconnector until it gets expelled. The fi nal state at remanence is the contrary antiparallel state than at the start, a consequence of all layers switching, including the top output layer where information is read. This data transfer is analogous to some previously reported NML schemes, [ 1,2 ] but in this case along the vertical direction. Using perpendicularly magnetized (Ising) SAFs, it has also been shown that the propagation of solitons can be performed synchronously with an external magnetic fi eld when the properties of the SAF are tuned in a ratchet fashion, with the system acting as a soliton shift register. [ 14,15,17 ] In this work, we explore in detail the behavior of SAFs under external magnetic fi elds during soliton nucleation and asynchronous propagation [ 10,13 ] by using the Kerr effect, magnetoresistance, polarized neutron refl ectivity (PNR) measurements, and macrospin simulations.Magnetic solitons in multilayered synthetic antiferromagnets (SAFs) have been recently proposed as data carriers for vertical data transfer, constituting a promising approach for 3D spintronic systems. Here, the nucleation and propagation of solitons in CoFeB/Ru SAFs are investigated under external magnetic fi elds by magnetooptical Kerr effect (MOKE), magnetoresistance (MR), and polarized neutron refl ectivity (PNR) measurements. By comparing MOKE and MR measurements with macrospin simulations, the key steps of the mechanism behind soliton nucleation, triggered by the surface spin-fl op transition and ...