The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is a well characterized ligandgated ion channel, yet a proper description of the mechanisms involved in gating, opening, closing, ligand binding, and desensitization does not exist. Until recently, atomic-resolution structural information on the protein was limited, but with the production of the x-ray crystal structure of the Lymnea stagnalis acetylcholine binding protein and the EM image of the transmembrane domain of the torpedo electric ray nicotinic channel, we were provided with a window to examine the mechanism by which this channel operates. A 15-ns all-atom simulation of a homology model of the homomeric human ␣7 form of the receptor was conducted in a solvated palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol-phosphatidylcholine bilayer and examined in detail. The receptor was unliganded. The structure undergoes a twist-to-close motion that correlates movements of the C loop in the ligand binding domain, via the 10-strand that connects the two, with the 10°rotation and inward movement of two nonadjacent subunits. The Cys loop appears to act as a stator around which the ␣-helical transmembrane domain can pivot and rotate relative to the rigid -sheet binding domain. The M2-M3 loop may have a role in controlling the extent or kinetics of these relative movements. All of this motion, along with essential dynamics analysis, is suggestive of the direction of larger motions involved in gating of the channel.T he nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is one of the best-studied ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) (1). It has been found to have a role in a wide range of pathological conditions and diseases including epilepsy (2), schizophrenia (3), Alzheimer's (4), Parkinson's (5), neuromuscular diseases (6), inflammation (7), nicotine addiction (8), and addiction to other drugs such as alcohol (9) and cocaine (10), as well as a role in anesthetic action (11). The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is a member of a superfamily of pentameric receptors that include the serotonin (excitory), GABA, and glycine (inhibitory) receptors that are all involved in the transmission and modification of electrical signals in excitory cells. The family is known as the Cys-loop LGIC family, because of a conserved pair of linked cysteines in the N-terminal domain of the receptor (12). Within the superfamily, an array of different nicotinic receptor subunits exists (13,14), making different subunit assemblies possible, for different roles, in different cell types. In all of these receptors, the ligand binds at the interface between the ␣ and other subunits of the ligand binding domain (LBD). This event begins a chain reaction of conformational changes within the receptor that transmits the message of ligand binding to the transmembrane domain (TMD), which then opens to allow the passage of ions through the channel. Although the genetics, kinetics, electrophysiology, and many topological aspects are well characterized for the nicotinic receptor (15, 16), the exact nature of the structural rearrangments involved in activ...