When a dense suspension is squeezed from a nozzle, droplet detachment can occur similar to that of pure liquids. While in pure liquids the process of droplet detachment is well characterized through self-similar profiles and known scaling laws, we show here the simple presence of particles causes suspensions to break up in a new fashion. Using high-speed imaging, we find that detachment of a suspension drop is described by a power law; specifically we find the neck minimum radius, r m , scales like τ 2 3 near breakup at time τ ¼ 0. We demonstrate data collapse in a variety of particle/ liquid combinations, packing fractions, solvent viscosities, and initial conditions. We argue that this scaling is a consequence of particles deforming the neck surface, thereby creating a pressure that is balanced by inertia, and show how it emerges from topological constraints that relate particle configurations with macroscopic Gaussian curvature. This new type of scaling, uniquely enforced by geometry and regulated by the particles, displays memory of its initial conditions, fails to be self-similar, and has implications for the pressure given at generic suspension interfaces.particle packing | contact angle | irrotational flow | jamming T he rupture of a single volume filled with matter to produce two unconnected volumes, a transition between two distinct topologies, plays a fundamental role in a wide range of phenomena from dripping liquids (1, 2), to breakup of nano-jets (3-5), to metal rods pinching off (6), to black-string instabilities in general relativity (7,8). In biological systems, topological transitions are equally fundamental because they govern processes like cell division (9), endocytosis (10), and collapsing bacterial colonies (11).Of these examples, liquid droplet formation is particularly notable because it exhibits many of the exotic features of a topological transition, such as singularities and scaling, while being accessible enough to warrant thorough experimental examination (12-18). The result has been a powerful framework that characterizes the final moments of pure liquid droplet detachments using only the relative strengths of surface tension, viscous dissipation, and inertial stress (1, 2). For these liquids, the initial conditions become irrelevant as the system nears the singular point of snap off. Instead, the material parameters alone assign both a self-similar profile defining the shape of the drop and a power law governing how this shape scales close to the final moments of breaking.The success of self-similarity and scaling approaches has prompted attempts to extend pure liquid analysis to other instances of free surface flows. In many cases, when the boundary stresses originate from surface tension, the framework of pure liquid detachment can be modified successfully and self-similar structures govern the breakup (19-21). However, in some cases the driving force comes from an alternative source, as in the case of bubble pinch-off (22-24), and self-similarity breaks down: To describe detachm...