Abstract-In this work the numerical analysis is presented of an optical sensor based on multimode interference structures with a sensing layer which covers selectively a multimode waveguide. The analyzed gradient index optical waveguides are fabricated in a sodium-potassium ion exchange process. The effects of the sensing layer of different shape and excitation conditions are demonstrated.Applications of multimode interference structures in waveguide sensor technology have been the subject of research studies in recent years. The principle of operation of each of these devices described in many scientific publications [1, 2] is similar. In most cases, the multimode sections are covered by layers whose optical parameters change when they are exposed to a measured medium. The modification of external physical parameters leads to changes in propagation conditions of light, and this effect is easily observable in the output signal. There is a wide range of cover material to choose from. It can be a simple dielectric medium [2] when the operation characteristic of the proposed sensor depends on the geometry and size of MMI structures. In a gradient index waveguide made by potassium-sodium ion exchange the effect strongly depends on the polarization of light [3]. When choosing thin metal oxides layers as the cover material [4] one can observe output signals dependence on both the refractive index and extinction coefficient changes. It is also possible to improve the characteristics of the sensor by the use of a very thin buffer layer tens of nanometers thick [5].In this work a new configuration of MMI optical sensor with a sensing layer covering selectively a multimode waveguide is presented. It will be shown that the geometry of the sensing layer significantly affects the field distributions in the MMI section and therefore strongly influences the operation characteristics of the sensor.The configuration of the interference sensor based on the selectively coated MMI structures is shown in Fig. 1. It includes an optical system composed of a single-mode waveguide, an MMI section which length is related to the distance of a single image formation, and a single-mode output waveguide. The MMI section is covered selectively by a sensing layer. The evanescent field of the modes propagating in a multimode waveguide penetrates the cladding. Changes of its refractive index have an impact on the mode properties of the multimode waveguide, as a result affecting the location of the input field image. The changes of image location are registered by a single-mode output waveguide. Two cases of input and output waveguide positions are consideredsymmetrical excitation (the case of symmetric interference) and excitation at one third of the MMI section width corresponding to paired interference. The investigated MMI sections are produced by the sodium-potassium ion exchange process in a borosilicate glass (n=1.5137) through the window of the 4μm width for a single mode waveguide and 45μm for an MMI section. The length of the multimode ...