Ion temperature (Ti) profiles are commonly observed to increase in peaking, leading to higher central Ti, after impurity seeding in EAST H-mode plasma. Argon can be more efficient to raise Ti than neon. Toroidal rotation can also be enhanced in scenarios with NBI heating. More significant increased toroidal rotation is brought by seeding argon than seeding neon. Turbulence is experimentally observed to be suppressed. Extensive modelling by quasilinear gyrokinetic code QuaLiKiz is performed to explain above observations. It is found that the enhanced Ti can be always explained by the turbulence stabilization. But the mechanism of turbulence stabilization is related to heating methods and the seeding impurity species. In the pure RF (ECRH+LHW) heating scenarios, where only TEM exists, argon can stabilize TEM more significantly than neon due to its higher charge and heavier mass. In the scenarios with increasing NBI power, ion heat flux can be dominated by ITG, thus the enhanced Ti is mainly attributed to ITG stabilization. In these cases, except argon’s ability to more efficiently stabilize TEM, more evident increased toroidal rotation brought by argon seeding can be also beneficial to stabilize turbulences.