Management of existing aortic insufficiency (AI) and mechanical aortic valves in patients undergoing left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation remains controversial. Surgical options to address these issues include closure, repair or replacement of the valve.
Continuous flow LVAD/BiVAD patients entered into the INTERMACS database between June 2006 to December 2012 were included (n=5,344). Outcomes were compared between patients who underwent aortic valve (AV) closure (n=125), repair (n=95) and replacement (n=85).
Among patients that underwent an aortic valve procedure, actuarial survival was significantly reduced for AV closures (63.2%) compared to AV repairs (76.8%) and replacements (71.8%, p=0.0003). Differences were greater between groups when only INTERMACS level 1-2 patients were analyzed (p=0.003). After multivariate adjustment, aortic valve closure remained a significant risk factor for mortality (HR=1.87, 95% CI=1.39-2.53, p<0.0001). At six to twelve months postoperatively, moderate to severe AI developed in 19%, 5%, 9% and 10% of patients with available echocardiography who underwent repair, closure, replacement and no intervention, respectively (p<0.0001). Competing outcomes demonstrate that at 1-year fewer patients with aortic valve closures were transplanted compared to patients with repairs/replacements (14% vs. 19%). No differences were observed between groups with respect to cause of death, re-hospitalization, right heart failure or stroke.
AV closure was associated with increased mortality when compared to repair or replacement in patients with AI that underwent LVAD insertion. The reasons for this association require further investigation. This is the largest study to date to examine concomitant AV procedures in patients undergoing LVAD insertion.