We report the CT and MRI findings in two cases of hemorrhagic infarct of the basal ganglia (BG), following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CA). In case 1, Brain-CT realized at day 2 showed bilateral and almost symmetric hemorrhagic infarct of the BG and infarct of the tectum of the mesencephalon. In case 2, MRI realized at day 6 showed hemorrhagic infarct of both lenticular nuclei on T2 GE images. In both cases there was no medical history and the cardiovascular and the coagulation profile were normal. In these cases, the lesions are observed earlier than reported in a few previous radiological cases. Similar lesions have been reported in pathological studies. These lesions seem occur early after CA. Reperfusion is probably responsible for the hemorrhagic transformation. The reason why some patients present either BG or brainstem infarct or both remains unclear. Bilateral and symmetric hemorrhagic infarct of the BG, especially of the Lenticular nuclei, and infarct of the dorsal pons and mesencephalic tegmentum seem to be a characteristic feature of profound and prolonged hypotension or of CA.