This paper evaluates the usability of the Modulated Scatterer Technique (MST) for electromagnetic field mapping in the vicinity of a pyramidal absorber. A monostatic configuration has been used. The use of MST allows minimalisation of the field perturbations caused by the presence of the field probe. The connections with the control system are practically invisible in the measured field when the Optically Modulated Scatterer (OMS) is used. Three orthogonal field components have been measured with an original 3-axis probe using multichannel operation. Example results are presented showing the experimental measurements of amplitude and phase for 1D and 2D field scans in the vicinity of the absorber. The experimental setup allowed precise and repeatable field mapping measurements to be conducted. The results obtained indicate a particular usefulness of MST for verification of computer simulation, especially for validation of absorber models. Additionally, test zone performance or any other area of interest can be evaluated with precision. MST can be effectively used to improve the performance of existing chambers.