Summary. Nasopharyngeal stimulation hy cigarette smoke in iinanaesthetised rabbits evokes apnoea in expiration, liradycardia (to 30% of control), a rise in mean arterial (to 110?) and right atrial pressure (by 6 mm Hg) and a fall in cardiac output (to 415^ of control) and systemic conductance (to 36%). Blood flow (measured by Doppler fiownieter) and conductance in the me.senteric. renal, hind limb and ear beds falls tmiformly between beds and to the extent that, on occasions, flow in all these beds ceases. Sagittal sinus flow and conductance, in contrast, do not change or rise. The cardiovascular response is mediated predominantly through cardiac vagal and peripheral ,';ympathetic vasoconstrictor nervous pathways. PvO^ in animals with intact autonomic reflex mechanisms falls by 10 ± 0-4 mm Ilg 25 sec after the onset of apnoea, but in animals with either combined or selective blockade of vaga! and sympathoadrenal pathways peripheral flow is not reduced as in animals with intact autonnmic pathways, and PvOg falls by a significantly greater but equal amount in each (av. 15 ± 0-6 mm Hg, p,,j,f < 0-001). The circulatory changes thus appear to conserve body oxygen stores during the induced apnoea, an effect dependent on the integration of evoked vagal an