The degradation of chlorophyll,t he omnipresent green pigment, has been investigatedi ntensively over the last 30 years resulting in manye lucidated tetrapyrrolic degradationp roducts. With ac omparison to the degradation of the structurally similarh eme, we hereby propose an ovel additionalc hlorophyll degradation mechanism to mono-and dipyrrolic products.T his is the first proof of the occurrence of af amilyo fm ono-and dipyrrols in leaves that are previously only known as heme degradationp roducts.T his prod-uct familyi sa lso found in spit and feces of herbivores with specific metabolomic patterns reflecting the origin of the samples. Based on chromatographica nd mass spectrometric evidencea swell as on mechanistic considerations we also suggest severalt entative new degradation products.O ne of them,d ihydro BOX A, was fully confirmed as an ovel natural product by synthesis andc omparison of its spectroscopic data.Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this articlecan be found under:
Scheme1.Enzymatic chlorophyll degradation in plants.Scheme2.Enzymatic (top) andoxidativeheme degradation by reactive oxygen species (ROS) to PDPs and BOXes.