“…In addition, the growing needs to develop observing systems or methods with finer spatial scales and higher frequencies have been identified by the ocean scientific community and the Copernicus Services as research and development priorities to serve Copernicus marine users and decision-makers (see, for example, International Altimetry Team, 2021, or the "Copernicus Marine Service Evolution Strategy: R&D priorities -Version 5 June 30, 2021" document, https://marine.copernicus.eu/sites/default/files/media/ pdf/2021-09/CMEMSService_evolution_strategy_RD_ priorities_v5-June-2021.pdf, last access: 1 December 2022). Therefore, with the support of the French Space Agency (CNES), the development of new experimental products has been undertaken, aiming at improving the resolution of the current Level-3 and Level-4 sea-level products (Mulet et al, 2021a;Ballarotta et al, 2020;Ubelmann et al, 2022;Prandi et al, 2021) and preparing operational systems for the SWOT era (Ubelmann et al, 2015(Ubelmann et al, , 2021Le Guillou et al, 2021;Beauchamp et al, 2020).…”