While an unambiguous climate change signature has been observed in Arctic sea ice coverage (Andersen et al., 2020;Stroeve et al., 2007), it has been difficult to quantify the changes in snow depth over the sea ice region (Webster et al., 2018). This holds in spite of snow accumulation being one of the most important geophysical parameters to understand Arctic climate, being related to albedo feedback, ice cover insulation, and associated heat transfer effects (Curry et al., 1995;Ledley, 1991;Webster et al., 2014). In addition to its importance in the polar climate system, snow depth influences the accuracy of ice thickness estimation based on satellite altimetry (Kern et al., 2015). Most knowledge regarding snow depth on Arctic sea ice is based on the climatological distribution provided by Warren et al. (1999) (W99), which was based on in situ data collected over multiyear sea ice (MYI) during the years of 1954-1991. Although W99 may not be considered as a representative Arctic snow depth distribution for the recent decades, it is still often used as a standard. For example, based on a report by Kurtz and Farrell (2011), many studies modified W99 by halving W99 snow depth over first-year ice (FYI), then using this scaled snow depth to estimate ice thickness from satellite altimeter measurements (Kwok & Cunningham, 2015;Ricker et al., 2014). A reliable data record of the snow depth is thus clearly needed by both climate and satellite communities (Webster et al., 2014).