We present the results of a hybrid femtosecond/picosecond coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering (fs/ps-CARS) thermometry campaign performed in a H2/air research supersonic scramjet combustor. In-situ vertical and horizontal temperature profiles were retrieved upstream and downstream the combustion zone. The repetition rate of the measurement was adjusted in order to optimize the signal to noise ratio of the CARS signal depending of the local turbulence of the flow. Near the flame front, single-shot measurements were demonstrated at kHz rate to catch the high-speed temperature fluctuations. In stationary zones downstream the combustion, up to 100 shots integration was performed in order to increase the precision of the measurement. This measurement campaign allowed to build a valuable experimental database for comparison with a 3D numerical unsteady computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation developed at ONERA. This work demonstrates the efficiency of hybrid fs/ps-CARS to perform single-shot kHz thermometry inside large-scale supersonic combustor.