1435sorption bands a t 276 and 338 nm have nearly identical absorptivities but are derived from optical transitions to two entirely different excited electronic states. Although the experimental error associated with the extremely weak fluorescence and phosphorescence emissions obtained by using 276 nm excitation are quite large, the near identity of the IplIf ratios shown in Figure 5b indicate that, as expected, rapid interconversion between the excited singlet states of pyrene prevails leaving the phosphorescence quantum yield insensitive to the fact that the excited singlet states resulting from excitation at 276 and 338 nm are different.
LITERATURE CITEDKalyanasundram, K.; Grieser, F.; Thomas, J. K. Chem. fhys. Lett. Humphry-Baker, R.; Moroi. Y.; Gratzei, M. Chem. fhys. Lett. 1978, Turro, N. J.; Llu, K.-C.; Chow, M.-F.; Lee, P. fhotochem. fhotobiol. 1978, 27, 523-529. Almgren, M.; Grieser, F.; Thomas, J. K.A range of protonated aromatlc bases was Investigated as eluents for the nonsuppressed Ion chromatography of lnorganlc cations, uslng simultaneous dlrect conductlvlty and Indirect UV absorption detectlon. When a low-capaclty sty-rene4lvlnylbenzene cation-exchange column was used, m e thylpyrldlne Isomers, dlmethylpyridlne Isomers, benzylamlne, 2ghenylethylamlne, and 4-methylbenrylamlne proved suitable for the separatlon of alkall-metal cations and ammonium. Detectlon llmits were In the range 0.3-6.7 ppb for conductlvlty detection and 0.2-21.0 ppb for UV absorptlon detection. Alkaline-earth-metal catlons could be separated by using hlgher concentrations of the same eluent specles, glvlng detectlon limits of 9-917 and 1.3-1370 ppb for conductivity and UV absorption detection, respectlvely. Aromatlc base eluents were applied to the separatlon of calcium and magneslum In seawater and are potentlally sultable for the determlnatlon of aluminum.