Summary. Background: On top of aspirin, an abciximab bolusonly regimen results in a 30% drop in platelet inhibition at 6 h as compared with the on-label regimen. The concomitant administration of high loading dose clopidogrel, by bridging with abciximab bolus, may sustain suppression of platelet activity over time. Objectives: To investigate the non-inferiority of abciximab bolus-only and concomitant high loading dose clopidogrel vs. abciximab bolus + infusion with respect to the inhibition of platelet aggregation (IPA) as determined by light transmission aggregometry. Patients/Methods: Seventy-three patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes underwent double-blind randomization to abciximab bolus followed by a 12-h placebo infusion and concomitant 600-mg clopidogrel vs. abciximab bolus + a 12-h infusion and 300 mg of clopidogrel. IPA was determined by light transmission aggregometry throughout 24 h. Clopidogrel poor responsiveness was defined as ‡ 50% 5 lmol L ; P = 0.01) and platelet count mean drop (41.7 ± 57 vs. 18.6 ± 34 10 9 L )1 ; P = 0.042) were significantly reduced in the bolus-only arm. Conclusions: Withholding abciximab post-bolus infusion in patients receiving high loading dose clopidogrel does not impair platelet inhibition throughout 24 h, and has the potential to improve the safety profile of the drug at reduced costs.Keywords: abciximab, aggregometry, bolus, pharmacology, platelets.The studies establishing the optimal therapeutic regimen of abciximab for use in the catheterization laboratory antedated the adoption of coronary stents and the widespread use of thienopyridines [1,2]. In the EPIC study, an abciximab bolusonly strategy was compared with both placebo and the current on-label abciximab regimen of bolus followed by12-h infusion in patients undergoing balloon angioplasty and receiving concomitant treatment with aspirin and unfractionated heparin [2]. The cumulative rate of major adverse cardiac events was similarly reduced in the bolus-only arm (2.9%) and bolus + infusion arm (2.4%) as compared with placebo (5.3%) within the first 6 h after intervention [3]. However, higher rates of myocardial infarction and urgent target vessel revascularization were noted thereafter in the bolus arm as compared with bolus + infusion throughout 30 days [3].In the absence of concomitant P2Y 12 inhibition, withholding abciximab post-bolus infusion results in an approximately 30% drop in inhibition of platelet aggregation (IPA) at 6 h [1,4].