T 1ρ relaxation imaging is a quantitative imaging technique that has been used to assess cartilage integrity, liver fibrosis, tumors, cardiac infarction, and Alzheimer's disease. T 1 , T 2 , and T 1ρ relaxation time constants have each demonstrated different degrees of sensitivity to several markers of fibrosis and inflammation, allowing for a potential multi-parametric approach to tissue quantification. Traditional magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) has been shown to provide quick, quantitative mapping of T 1 and T 2 relaxation time constants. In this study, T 1ρ relaxation is added to the MRF framework using spin lock preparations. An MRF sequence involving an RFspoiled sequence with T R , flip angle, T 1ρ , and T 2 preparation variation is described.The sequence is then calibrated against conventional T 1 , T 2 , and T 1ρ relaxation mapping techniques in agar phantoms and the abdomens of four healthy volunteers.Strong intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC > 0.9) were found between conventional and MRF sequences in phantoms and also in healthy volunteers (ICC > 0.8).The highest ICC correlation values were seen in T 1 , followed by T 1ρ and then T 2 . In this study, T 1ρ relaxation has been incorporated into the MRF framework by using spin lock preparations, while still fitting for T 1 and T 2 relaxation time constants. The acquisition of these parameters within a single breath hold in the abdomen alleviates the issues of movement between breath holds in conventional techniques.
K E Y W O R D Sbody, quantitation, relaxometry, sampling strategies 1 | INTRODUCTION T 1ρ relaxation imaging is a quantitative imaging technique that has been used to assess cartilage integrity, 1-4 liver fibrosis, 5 tumors, 6 cardiac infarction, 7 and Alzheimer's disease. 8 T 1ρ relaxation has also been shown to correlate with large molecules that tumble at low frequencies, including proteoglycans in ex vivo bovine 9,10 and human 11,12 cartilage experiments, demonstrating a decrease in T 1ρ relaxation time as the proteoglycan concentration decreases. However, T 1ρ is highly correlated with T 1 and T 2 relaxation, with the relationship being dependent on the strength of the spin locking RF pulse. Therefore, by measuring T 1 , T 2 , and T 1ρ , the effects of T 1 and T 2 relaxation can be accounted for and the unique chemical exchange component of T 1ρ can potentially be isolated. In addition, these relaxation parameters have been found to correlate to separate portions of the unique aspects of the extracellular matrix. For example, in ex vivo articular cartilage, T 1 and T 1ρ have been shown to correlate more strongly with proteoglycans while T 2 relaxation correlates more strongly with collagen. [11][12][13][14] In cartilage degeneration and liver fibrosis, T 1ρ has been shown to correlate more strongly with fibrosis than T 1 or T 2 relaxation. [15][16][17] Therefore, acquiring all of these parameters could allow for a more comprehensive view of the biochemical structure of the tissue. Abbreviations: FA, flip angle; ICC, intracla...