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SPONSOR/MONITOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S)12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
ABSTRACTThe results obtained from AFOSR-sponsored study on a new ion acceleration using beating electrostatic waves. Unlike previously known methods of energizing plasmas with electrostatic waves, and which accelerate only ions whose initial velocities are above a certain threshold (close to the waves velocity), the new mechanism can accelerate ions with arbitrarily small initial velocities. This results in significant improvements to the acceleration/heating efficiency (by as much as 45%) over previous techniques. The benefits to the state of the art of space propulsion stem from the high efficiency of the new mechanism,its thersholdless nature and its capabilities of producing high ion energies and its electrodeless character. In summary project accomplished the following: 1 Demonstrated theoretically that a new highly efficient ion acceleration mechanism by heating electrostatic (ES) waves is teal and ii a fundamental phenomenon that occurs only under specific conditions. 2. Studied using Monte Carlo simulations the effects of collisions (that would occur in a real low temperature plasma) on the ion acceleration mechanism and found that collisions can enhance the effects due to scattering of ions out of the forbidden region of phase space. 3. Designed and constructed a dedicated experiment to study the new ion acceleration mechanism.
SYNOPSISIn this final technical report we document, in three chapters, the results obtained from our AFOSR-sponsored study on a new ion acceleration using beating electrostatic waves.Unlike previously known methods of energizing plasmas with electrostatic waves, and which accelerate only ions whose initial velocities are above a certain threshold (close to the waves velocity), the new mechanism can accelerate ions with arbitrarily small initial velocities (as illustrated in Fig. (1)). This results in significant improvements to the acceleration/heating efficiency (by as much as 45%) over previous techniques. The benefits to the state of the art of space propulsion stem from the high efficiency of the new mechanis...