Glycine decarboxylse has bee sic solubUized from pea (Piwm sadvun) leaf ntochd as an oe wder. he enzyme was dependent on added ditldotdreltol and pyridoxal phpte for maxima activit. The enzyme preparation could catbyze the exchagte of CO2 Ito the carboxyl carbon of glycine, the reverse of the glycine decarboxylase reati by converting serine, NH1,, and CO into glycine, and 14C02release from 11-_4CIglyclne. The half-maximal concentrations for the glycIne-bcarbonate exchage reaction were 1.7 mIma glyclne, 16 mfllmolar NaH'4C0S, and 0.006 ill r pyrdxal p hte The enzyme (glycIne-bicarbonate ex e re on) was actve In the assay s for 1 hour and could be stored for over 1 mondth The ezymc h m appeare simar to that reported for the enzyme from a_hnals and bacteria but some antitatie dieces were noted. These included the tenacity of bIdn to the m n ra-m e, the concentration of pridoxal phosphate need for maxmu actvity, the r for dthothreItol for m m activity, and the total amnt of activity present. Now that this enzyme has been so-Ib led, a more detaied understanding of this important step In photorespiration sbould be possible.In those plants where the primary carboxylation reaction is catalyzed by the enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, large amounts of the newly formed carbohydrate are oxidized back to CO2 by the process of photorespiration. The photorespiratory pathway, often called the photosynthetic carbon oxidation cycle, involves the synthesis and metabolism of glycolate. Glycolate is formed within the chloroplast and transported to the peroxisomes where it is oxidized to glyoxylate. The glyoxylate can be further oxidized (possibly by reaction with H202) to form formate and CO2 (3,4). The majority of the glyoxylate, however, is transaminated to glycine as long as sufficient glutamate and serine are available for the reaction (15, 18).The glycine formed within the peroxisomes is transported to the mitochondria. Recent data from this laboratory indicate that a transporter located in the inner membrane of the mitochondria is responsible for this movement (21). Once within the matrix of the mitochondria, the glycine is oxidized to C02, NHI+, and a C1 fragment that forms methylene THF.2 This reaction is catalyzed '