Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi or Chagas Disease (ChD) affects around 7 million people in the Americas, most of which are unaware of their status due to lack of clinical manifestations and poor access to diagnosis. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are widely used for screening different infections (HIV, Hepatitis B, Syphilis), and their application for ChD would facilitate access to diagnosis, especially in remote areas where health services have scarce resources.
We conducted a prospective intervention study during 2018 to evaluate in field two RDTs for ChD, authorized by the National Administration of Medicaments, Aliments, and Medical Technologies of Argentina (ANMAT), to in vitro diagnostic reactive; in endemic and non-endemic areas of Argentina. We recruited 607 volunteers older than 18 years in Salta province and City of Buenos Aires. The RDTs Ab Standard Diagnostics SD Bioline® (SD) and Check Chagas Wiener Lab® (WL) were performed in situ with whole blood sample, and confirmatory serology was done at a reference center. The rate of infection with T. cruzi was 17.8% (108/607). SD test showed a performance of 97.2% sensitivity (95%CI 93.5-100), 91.7% specificity (95%CI 96.2-99.2%), and WL test 93.4% sensitivity (95%CI 88.2-98.6%), 99.1% specificity (95%CI 91.9-100%).
The sensitivity and specificity for the two RDTs tested were higher than previously reported. These results encourage the use of the tested RDTs in Salta province and to perform further field studies for the implementation of these RDTs in other epidemiological scenarios. This will be very important to improve access to diagnosis of Chagas and its clinical manage as a neglected disease, especially in remote areas with health access barriers.