We explore the order-disorder duality relation existing between the spin degrees of freedom and the skyrmion topological excitations in a quenched, disordered SO(3) quantum spin system described by a Heisenberg hamiltonian with nearest neighbor interactions and a Gaussian distribution of couplings. The quantum skyrmion correlation functions are evaluated in each of the phases presented by the system. These realize all possibilities allowed by the duality relation. There is a spinglass phase at finite temperature, where the skyrmion correlator have a power-law behavior. The Berezinskii-KosterlitzThouless (BKT) mechanism stabilizes this phase. 1 Introduction Many physical systems contain in their spectrum, the so-called topological excitations. These bear observable quantities whose conservation does not follow from the existence of any continuum symmetries; rather it is a consequence of the nontrivial topology of the configuration space. The quantization of such excitations requires specific methods, since they are usually not simply related to degrees of freedom appearing in the hamiltonian. One interesting feature of these excitations is that they work as disorder parameters for a given system [1]. This generates a duality relation between the topological and hamiltonian excitations creation operators, which has been exploited in order to derive a general method for evaluating the correlation functions of topological excitations [2].In this work, we apply this method in order to describe the quantum skyrmions of a two-dimensional spin-glass (SG) system, which has been studied recently [3,4] and which presents three phases: paramagnetic (PM), Néel, and SG. We show that in the latter the skyrmions (vortices in the CP 1 field theory framework) have a power-law behavior, thereby revealing that the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) mechanism [5] is the one responsible for stabilizing this phase.