In recently proposed stabilisation techniques for parabolic equations, a crucial role is played by a suitable sequence of oblique projections in Hilbert spaces, onto the linear span of a suitable set of M actuators, and along the subspace orthogonal to the space spanned by "the" first M eigenfunctions of the Laplacian operator. This new approach uses an explicit feedback law, which is stabilising provided that the sequence of operator norms of such oblique projections remains bounded.The main result of the paper is the proof that, for suitable explicitly given sequences of sets of actuators, the operator norm of the corresponding oblique projections remains bounded.In the final part of the paper we provide numerical results, showing the performance of the explicit feedback control for both Dirichlet and Neumann homogeneous boundary conditions. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 93D15,47A75,47N70.. supplemented with either homogeneous Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, has been proposed. The reaction coefficient a = a(x, t) ∈ R is given and allowed to be time and space dependent. The scalar functions u 1 (t), u 2 (t), . . . , u M (t) are time-dependent controls at our disposal. The indicator functions 1 ωi = 1 ωi (x) associated with domains ω i ⊂ (0, L), are our actuators. Note that in this way, our control on the right hand side of (1.1), is finite dimensional, that is, for all given time t ≥ 0 our control is a linear combination of our (finite number of) actuators. Further, it is supported (localised) in the union M j=1 ω j . In [13, Sect. 3 and 5] it has been proven that for all positive λ > 0, the explicit feedback control M j=1 u j (t)1 ωj defined by y → Ky := P E ⊥ M UM (−∆y + ay − λy) (1.2)