The electrical conductivity of metallic carbon nanotubes (CNTs) quickly saturates with respect to bias voltage due to scattering from a large population of optical phonons. Decay of these dominant scatterers in pristine CNTs is too slow to offset an increased generation rate at high voltage bias. We demonstrate from first principles that encapsulation of 1D atomic chains within a single-walled CNT can enhance decay of "hot" phonons by providing additional channels for thermalisation. Pacification of the phonon population growth reduces electrical resistivity of metallic CNTs by 51% for an example system with encapsulated beryllium.Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) are the most promising candidates for nanoelectronics applications due to their excellent electrical conductivity [1][2][3]. With these properties applied in integrated circuits and in the field effect transistors' gate electrodes metallic CNTs lead the minituarisation race at the nanoscale [4]. However experimental and theoretical studies show that electronic transport in metallic CNTs undergoes a dramatic decrease beyond a bias of ≈ 0.2 eV due to scattering of conduction electrons from a population of high frequency phonons [5][6][7][8]. Under bias voltage, the process of electron scattering excites new phonons into this population an order of magnitude faster than their decay via thermalisation [9]. This dominance of excitation over deexcitation results in a growing population of athermal "hot" phonons and consequently a non-equilibrium phonon distribution [10,11]. Under such conditions, these hot phonons constitute the dominant source of electron scattering, and hence resistivity, in metallic CNTs. A mechanism for increasing the rate of phonon thermalisation will therefore enhance the electrical performance of CNTs.The process of phonon deexcitation involves anharmonic phonon-phonon scattering, hence its rate is dependent on the number of available channels for phonon decay. Previously, several possible solutions for introduction of additional thermalisation channels were suggested that considered a supporting substrate or isotopic disorder [12][13][14].In this letter we show that reduction of the hot phonon population under bias is readily achievable via encapsulation of 1D nanowires in single-walled CNTs (SWCNT). We consider phonon-phonon relaxation from first principles and demonstrate that an encapsulated one-dimensional crystal creates additional channels for hot phonon thermalisation, increasing the decay rate. This results in a significant improvement of the voltage-current ratio at high bias voltage. Transport is studied by solving the set of parameter-free Boltzmann transport equations (BTE) for coupled dynamics of electrons and phonons, whilst all relevant scattering rates are calculated ab initio with densityfunctional perturbational theory (DFPT). This route to enhanced transport is attractive due to increasingly well-established methods for growth of 1D crystals inside CNTs [15][16][17][18][19] and assembly of nanowires into integrated devices [...