In-vivo SNR in DENSE MRI: temporal and regional effects of field strength, receiver coil sensitivity, and flip angle strategies, 2011, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, (29), 2, 202-208 Materials and methods: Ten healthy volunteers were imaged in a 1.5 T and a 3 T MRI system, using standard 5 or 6 channel cardiac coils as well as 32 channel coils, with four different excitation patterns. Variation of spatial coil sensitivity was assessed by regional SNR analysis.Results: SNR ranging from 2.8 to 30.5 was found depending on the combination of excitation patterns, coil sensitivity and field strength. The SNR at 3T was 53±26% higher than at 1.5T (p<0.001), whereas spatial differences of 59±26% were found in the ventricle (p<0.001). 32 channel coils provided 52±29% higher SNR compared to standard 5 or 6 channel coils (p<0.001). A fixed flip angle strategy provided an excess of 50% higher SNR in half of the imaged cardiac cycle compared to a sweeping flip angle strategy, and a single phase acquisition provided a six-fold increase of SNR compared to a cine acquisition.Conclusion: The effect of field strength and receiver coil sensitivity influences the SNR with the same order of magnitude, whereas flip angle strategy can have a larger effect on SNR. Thus, careful choice of imaging hardware in combination with adaptation of the acquisition protocol is crucial in order to realize sufficient SNR in DENSE MRI.