Recent years have seen the explosion of edge intelligence with powerful Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). One popular scheme is training DNNs on powerful cloud servers and subsequently porting them to mobile devices after being lightweight. Conventional approaches manually specialized DNNs for various edge platforms and retrain them with real-world data. However, as the number of platforms increases, these approaches become labour-intensive and computationally prohibitive. Additionally, real-world data tends to be sparse-label, further increasing the difficulty of lightweight models. In this paper, we propose MatchNAS, a novel scheme for porting DNNs to mobile devices. Specifically, we simultaneously optimise a large network family using both labelled and unlabelled data and then automatically search for tailored networks for different hardware platforms. MatchNAS acts as an intermediary that bridges the gap between cloud-based DNNs and edge-based DNNs.
CCS CONCEPTS• Computer systems organization → Neural networks.