We report on the effects of a global top gate on low-frequency noise in Schottky gate-defined quantum point contacts (QPCs) and quantum dots (QDs) in a modulation-doped Si/SiGe heterostructure. For a relatively large top gate voltage, the QPC current shows frequent switching with 1/f 2 Lorentzian type charge noise. As the top gate voltage is decreased, the QPC pinch-off voltage becomes less negative, and the 1/f 2 noise becomes rapidly suppressed in a homogeneous background 1/f noise. We apply this top-gating technique to double QDs to stabilize the charge state for the electron number down to zero.Coherent control of single electron spin in solids aiming towards the realization of fundamental devices for quantum computation has been performed extensively in GaAs 1-6 and more recently in Si 7,8 as well. Si quantum dots (QDs) are one of the most promising candidates for implementing scalable spin quantum bit (qubit) systems because of the long coherence time due to weak spinorbit and hyperfine interactions. Recent experiments on Si QDs have shown the relaxation time T 1 and the dephasing time T * 2 much longer than those observed for GaAs QDs. 7,9,10 However, at present the realization of stable QDs in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at a modulation-doped Si/SiGe heterostructure is still challenging due to the problem of charge noise which cause sudden changes to the QD states. 11,12 To realize stable qubit operation it is necessary to characterize and reduce the charge noise in quantum point contacts (QPCs) which form tunnel junctions with the QD.Charge noise in gate-defined QPCs has been studied in detail for modulation-doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures using techniques of asymmetrically biasing gates 13 , bias-cooling 14 , top gate biasing 15 and combinations of them. In Ref. 13 they observed charge noise caused by thermally activated trapping and detrapping by charge traps in local potential minima formed near the QPC channel when Schottky gates were occasionally biased to align the energy level of the charge trap and Fermi level of the QPC channel. On the other hand, in Ref. 14,15 , the charge noise is attributed to the electron tunneling between the surface and the 2DEG via charge traps in between. They observed strong charge noise reduction by application of bias-cooling or top gate technique which makes the operation voltage of the surface Schottky gate less negative. Then the tunnel rate of electrons from the