In Korea, native or open pollinated corn varieties that were not improved before 1960 were cultivated. The 1960s was a step that created the foundation for the development of varieties. In 1962, systematic corn breeding was started when the synthetic type 'Hwangok 2' was distributed to farmers. The 1970s was the era of the change from synthetic varieties to hybrid ones, with a focus on the development of single-cross hybrids among the corn hybrids. The single-cross corn hybrid, 'Suwon 19', was an epoch-marking variety that had a unit-yield closer to that of advanced countries. The 1980s was a time when the breeding direction was changed from grain corn to silage because the corn cultivation area for silage increased rapidly with the government's livestock promotion policy, and the corn seed supply system of single-cross hybrids was established. In the 1990s, the era of globalization and the launching of imports of agricultural products, the living standards of consumers became more advanced, and the development system of corn varieties was established for various use purposes. As we entered the 2000s, it started the heyday of developing corn varieties, with 29 corn varieties of various use purposes and excellent cultivation stability developed. In the 2010s, the scope of corn variety development expanded from government or universities to private seed companies. Thus, the corn varieties in Korea have changed and developed in response to the situation of the times, and there are currently 110 corn varieties registered with Korea Seed & Variety Service (KSVS). In the future, vegetable corn is expected to be continuously developed, with functional ingredients such as strengthening vitamins, trace elements, and antioxidant components. Specialized grain corn, such as lysine and maltodextrin, will be developed and commercialized in order to improve the value added. In the case of silage corn, there will be varieties of early maturing and late planting adaptability, with no more than 110 days until maturity, suitable for the cropping system, such as second cropping and double cropping, as well as high digestion rate and nutrition varieties with high feed value, and excessive water tolerance corn varieties that adapt well to paddy fields. Furthermore, it is expected that corn varieties that adapt well to Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa will continue to be developed and supplied.