Seismic anisotropy of Earth's mantle provides important insights into convective flow and composition at inaccessible depths. There is abundant evidence for concentrated anisotropy at depths within a few hundred kilometers of the mantle's top and bottom, but the prevalence of anisotropy at intermediate depths is more uncertain (Long & Becker, 2010). Potential reasons for diminished anisotropy in the transition zone and most of the lower mantle include decreasing anisotropy of higher-pressure olivine polymorphs (Mainprice 2015;Zhang et al., 2018), strain partitioning into localized shear zones (Girard et al., 2016), and accommodation of strain by diffusion creep rather than dislocation creep (Mohiuddin et al., 2020;Ritterbex et al., 2020). Depth-integrated measurements of mantle anisotropy like teleseismic shear wave splitting (SWS) are often assumed to be dominated by anisotropy at depths less than ∼300 km. This perspective is supported by the positive correlation of fast-axis orientations with plate tectonic deformation and surface wave azimuthal anisotropy (Becker et al., 2012;Long & Becker, 2010), as well as isolated evidence that local deep earthquakes exhibit SWS comparable to teleseismic measurements (Fischer & Wiens, 1996). However, some long-wavelength global imaging studies and regional attempts to separate near-source contributions to path-integrated SWS suggest anisotropy extending to mantle transition zone depths of about 400-700 km (