The thermodynamic effects of the nucleotide coordination on the Co‐C bond strengths in the B12 coenzymes were analyzed. Methyl group transfer reactions from methylcob(III)inamides to cob(II)inamides and cob(I)inamides in neutral aqueous solution were used in equilibration experiments to determine the effect fo the intramolecular coordination of the nucleotide function on the Co‐C bond dissociation energies of methylcob(III)alamin (4). In the equilibrium between 4, cob(I)inamide (11), cob(I)alamin (10) and methylcob(III)inamide 6 (Scheme 2), 4 and 11 were found to predominate (4+11⇆10+6, equilibrium constant KI/III≈0.004), while the equilibrium between 4, cob(II)inamide 9, cob(II)alamin (5), and 6 (Scheme 1) proved to be well balanced (4+9⇄5+6, equilibrium constant KII/III=0.60). These equilibrium values indicate the nucleotide coordination to stabilize the Co–C bond in 4 both against homolysis (slight effect) and against nucleophilic heterolysis (considerable effect). They reflect a stabilization of the complete corrins 4 and 5by the nucleotide coordination, which is also indicated for 4 and 5 by their (nucleotide) basicity. The latter information, where available for other organocobalamins, allows the analysis of the thermodynamicnucleotide trans effect there as well: e.g. in coenzyme B12 (1), the nucleotide coordination is found this way to weaken the Co–C bond towards homolysis by ca. 0.7 kcal/mol.