Vanadium‐substituted LiMnPO4 has been synthesized by the solid state reaction route. To obtain tetravalent state of vanadium, the samples have been additionally annealed under hydrogen atmosphere. Comparative magnetic and neutron powder diffraction investigations of the two solid‐solution lines were performed as a function of V content. The divergence between static zero‐field‐cooled (ZFC) and field‐cooled (FC) magnetizations in the fields of H < 1 T and the magnetization hysteresis indicating the presence of a ferromagnetic component were observed for all vanadium concentrations. The ferromagnetic component in the reduced V‐doped LiMnPO4 is more intensive than in the as‐prepared samples. To gain insight into the reason for this effect, the formation energies of antisite defects in V‐doped and reduced LiMnPO4 were calculated within the density functional theory. The appearance of the ferromagnetic clusters above the Néel temperature is discussed.