For the emitters following the Fowler±Nordheim (FN) theory, the plot of ln(J/E 2 ) versus E ±1 gives a straight line and its slope, ± (Bu 3/2 /b), determines the FN enhancement factor b, where E is the applied field, u is the work function, and B is a constant. The inset in Figure 5 displays the corresponding FN plot at a separation of 150 lm, showing a linear relationship and revealing that electron emission from the tips of the nanowires follows FN behavior. Here, we define the turn-on field and the threshold field as the electric fields required to produce a current of 10 lA cm ±2 and 10 mA cm
±2, respectively. The results demonstrate that the prepared W 18 O 49 nanowires had a turnon field of 2.6 ± 0.1 V lm ±1 and a threshold field of 6.2 V lm ±1 .The threshold field of W 18 O 49 nanowires is close to that reported for open-ended C nanotubes (~5 V lm ±1 ) [3] and lower than that of needle-shaped SiC nanorods (~8.5 V lm
±1) or MoS 2 nanoflowers (7.6±8.6 V lm ±1 ), [19,20] indicating that the prepared W 18 O 49 nanowires are excellent field emitters. In summary, quasi-aligned single-crystalline W 18 O 49 nanotubes or nanowires were successfully prepared under different atmosphere pressures. The diameters of the nanotubes were 150±350 nm, while those of the nanowires were in the range of 20±100 nm. A deficiency in vapor supply plays an essential role in the nucleation of tubular nanostructures. Field-emission measurements showed a threshold of 6.2 V lm ±1 for the W 18 O 49 nanowire films, indicating that they are excellent field emitters. The prepared tungsten oxide nanotubes or nanowires have a great potential for photochromic or electrochromic applications.
ExperimentalThe experiments were conducted in an infrared irradiation±heating furnace connected to a high-vacuum system. Tungsten foils (15 mm 15 mm 0.1 mm) were used as heating targets. A Ta wafer (10 mm 10 mm) was laid under the W foil at a 3 mm distance and used as substrate. The W foils were heated to 1000±1050 C, while the temperature of the Ta substrate was about 650 C. Heating continued for 1 h. In the synthesis of the nanotubes, the chamber air pressure was maintained at 0.2 torr for the first 20 min, and then increased to 10 torr for the remaining 40 min. In the synthesis of nanowires, the air pressure in the chamber was kept at 10 torr for the whole process. When the chamber cooled to room temperature, the upper surface of the Ta substrates was entirely covered with a dark blue film. A field-emission SEM (JSM-6700F) was used to observe the morphology of the products. XRD spectra of the prepared nanostructures were recorded on a RINT2200 X-ray diffractometer using standard Cu Ka radiation. Further structural characterization was performed on a highresolution TEM (JEM-3000F) at 300 kV. The chemical composition of the nanostructures was detected using an EDS apparatus attached to a TEM.