Emulation of neural networks by redox-based ResistiveRandom Access Memories (ReRAMs) with components such as thin films of ceramic materials are considered by the technological roadmap (ITRS) as a promising concept for the next generation non-volatile memory storage and as an important key towards computation with neuromorphic algorithms. ReRAMs are regarded as conceptually new building units in modern nanoelectronics, finding application not only as a memory, but also as selectors, for logic operations and neuromorphic computing circuits beyond the von Neumann concept, being capable of bio-inspired cognitive functions, such as machine learning and pattern recognition. The information is saved in ReRAMs as particular resistances of the devices adjustable by voltage stimuli, where in the most simple case the high resistive state represents the Boolean 0 and the low resistive state -the Boolean 1. The devices show outstanding potential for scaling down to the atomic level, integration, low-power consumption, sub-nanosecond operation time range and digital and/or analog volatile and/or non-volatile information storage. In these devices, the switching relies on redox reactions and mixed ionic-electronic transport at the nanoscale, in cells/devices of the type MEM (metal-electrolytemetal) or MIM (metal-insulator-metal) where oxides and higher chalcogenides are typically used as ion conducting materials. ReRAM devices are operated at extremely harsh conditions characterized by high electric fields (up to1 0 8 V/m) and extremely high current densities in the range above MA/cm 2 and show perspective for future memory and neuromorphic computing devices.In this special issue of the Journal of Electroceramics, we present a selection of invited and contributed articles, which focus on both materials and device aspects. These papers span a wide range reviewing and proposing materials for the switching oxides, including investigation of the switching mechanism, highlighting the involved nanionic processes and highlighting novel operation principles. We are fortunate to have attracted 16 high quality and timely contributions to this issue composed of invited reviews highlighting either material, probing or device aspects on the theme of this special issue.An invited review on resistive switching devices and their applications as mixed signal analog-digital neuromorphic computing architectures and other application fields by Zidan, Chen, Indiveri and Lu leads off the special issue [1]. In this paper, the development and opportunities of memristive switching devices for replacing classic binary transistors and potential computing architectures are discussed by the authors. Resistive switches offer the intrinsic ability of ready processing in 3D memory array architectures with exciting potential for mass storage applications and handling of big data. In a joint contribution lead by Chen et al. colleagues from Stanford,