We review existing approaches to the problem of tunneling time, focussing on the Larmor clock approach. We develop a Green's function formalism and with it we are able to obtain close expressions for the tunneling and for the reflection times. A strong analogy between the results of the different approaches is established, and we show that their main differences are due to finite size effects. Furthermore we study the dwell time, and check that it can be exactly written as an average of one of the components of the traversal and the reflection times.We apply the results to a rectangular barrier, a periodic system and resonant tunneling, and we analyze the dependence of the tunneling time with the size of the wavepacket.We also discuss the recharging time in chemical nanostructures like ligand stabilized microclusters. We show that for nanoparticles with very small tunneling resistance RT ≤ 10 5 Ω it becomes to the same order of magnitude with tunneling time.