A ring-cavity synchronously-pumped optical parametric oscillator was investigated, which was pumped by a self-mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. A periodically poled KTiOPO 4 crystal was used in the oscillator, and the parametric operation was obtained. The wavelength of the signal wave covered from 1000 nm to 1500 nm. The signal wave was successfully frequency doubled by inserting a nonlinear BBO crystal in the cavity. The wavelength of second harmonic could be tuned from 550 nm to 650 nm freely by cavity-length tuning. The loss of the cavity and the threshold of the pump power, a thin glass substrate is inserted into the cavity to couple output the light, then the output power is measured for varying pump power, based on the measurement the loss in the cavity was discussed. Furthermore, the characteristic of output pulses is also measured.Optical parametric oscillators (OPO), as efficient, tunable devices for frequency conversion, have been investigated for years. In OPO's operation, it is essential to realize phase matching in nonlinear crystals for enough parametric gain. In early years most of the nonlinear crystals were introduced for birefringence phase matching (BPM), such as BBO, KTP, LBO et al. In 1990s periodically poled technique based on quasi-phase matching (QPM) came into use, which paved the way for broadly tuned and efficient OPO operation. In many cases QPM is preferable to BPM because it allows use of largest coefficient and long nonlinear crystals; further more QPM is insensitive to polarization. Periodically poled LiNbO 3 (PPLN) [1] or periodically poled KTi:OPO 4 (PPKTP) [2] are two typical materials for QPM. PPLN has a large nonlinear coefficient (d 33 = 27 pm/V), so it has been widely used since its invention. For example, Kang-Jeon Han et al. demonstrated a room-temperature operation of the near infrared femtosecond optical parametric oscillator based on MgO-doped stoichiometric PPLN, which is synchronously pumped by Ti:sapphire laser [3] in 2008. The wavelength of the signal wave covered from 980 nm to 1500 nm. Using an output coupler with a transmission of 3.7%, the threshold of pumping power is 460 mW, and femtosecond pulses as short as 66 fs were obtained. In 2011, F. Ruebel et al. reported the generation of tunable mid-infrared picosecond laser radiation in a synchronously pumped OPO based on PPLN, and an output power of 1.1 W at 4.5 μm or more than 3 W at 3 μm were achieved for 6-ps-long pulses with a repetition rate of 160 MHz and an M 2 < 2 [4] . In 2011 Yuma Takida et al. reported THz-wave parametric oscillator synchronously pumped by mode-locked picosecond Ti:sapphire laser in doubly-resonant external cavity. Its average power was less than 1W with a noncollinear phase-matching PPLN crystal in an external enhancement cavity doubly resonant for both pump (780