We realize fast transport of ions in a segmented micro-structured Paul trap. The ion is shuttled over a distance of more than 10 4 times its groundstate wavefunction size during only 5 motional cycles of the trap (280 µm in 3.6 µs). Starting from a ground-state-cooled ion, we find an optimized transport such that the energy increase is as low as 0.10±0.01 motional quanta. In addition, we demonstrate that quantum information stored in a spin-motion entangled state is preserved throughout the transport. Shuttling operations are concatenated, as a proof-of-principle for the shuttling-based architecture to scalable ion trap quantum computing. . Scalable information processing in a multiplexed ion trap can be accomplished by having fixed processing sites where logic operations are performed, and ion qubits will be moved in and out of these regions by shuttling operations. The duration of such shuttling has to be much faster than the relevant decoherence times [4]. Furthermore, it is desirable to reduce the total time consumption of all relevant operations, where shuttling will contribute a considerable amount [5], and aim for the performance of the naturally fast solid state architectures [6]. So far, ion shuttling in a multiplexed trap has been demonstrated together with additional sympathetic cooling [7], and in the adiabatic regime, where the transient displacement of the ion is smaller than the size of the its wavepacket [8,9]. Transport of neutral atoms have also been performed using magnetic [10] or optical [11] techniques.Because quantum gate operations require ions close to the motional ground state and fast transport inherently creates motional excitation, the challenge is to develop transport protocols that guarantee sufficiency small energy transfer. In this work we demonstrate shuttling operations that are highly non-adiabatic while the final state of the ion is close to the motional groundstate. We also show that quantum information stored in both the motional and the spin degree of freedom is preserved through the shuttling.During a shuttling operation, the ion motion in the harmonic trapping potential is excited when the acceleration is sufficiently strong. This motional excitation is a harmonic oscillation, characterized by a well defined phase, thus allowing it to be canceled out by proper management of the forces involved during or after the transport. We experimentally demonstrate two methods of canceling the acquired motional excitation. One method uses two shuttles, where the transport to the destination generates the same net momentum transfer as the transport back, but is applied 180 • out of phase with respect to the secular oscillation of the ion (Fig. 1b). We refer to this as the pairwise energy-neutral transport. For the second scheme, the self-neutral transport we apply a sharp counter-"kick" to the ion at the end of a single transport operation, stopping its motion (Fig. 1c). This case of single-sided transport allows even faster shuttling and can be sequentially repeated since it is ener...