The Microprocessor complex, consisting of an RNase III DROSHA and the DGCR8 dimer, cleaves primary microRNA transcripts (pri-miRNAs) to initiate microRNA (miRNA) maturation. Pri-miRNAs are stem-loop RNAs, and ∼79% of them contain at least one of the three major and conserved RNA motifs, UG, UGU, and CNNC. We recently demonstrated that the basal UG and apical UGU motifs of pri-miRNAs interact with DROSHA and DGCR8, respectively. They help orient Microprocessor on pri-miRNA in a proper direction in which DROSHA and DGCR8 localize to the basal and apical pri-miRNA junctions, respectively. In addition, CNNC, located at ∼17 nucleotides (nt) from the Microprocessor cleavage site, interacts with SRSF3 (SRp20) to stimulate Microprocessor to process pri-miRNAs. The mechanism underlying this stimulation, however, is unknown. In this study, we discovered that SRSF3 recruits DROSHA to the basal junction in a CNNC-dependent manner, thereby enhancing Microprocessor activity. Furthermore, by generating various pri-miRNA substrates containing CNNC at different locations, we demonstrated that such stimulation only occurs when CNNC is located at ∼17 nt from the Microprocessor cleavage site. Our findings reveal the molecular mechanism of SRSF3 in pri-miRNA processing and support the previously proposed explanation for the highly conserved position of CNNC in SRSF3-enhanced pri-miRNA processing.