Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) is a widely used spectroscopic method that can dramatically increase the sensitivity of Raman spectroscopy and has demonstrated significant benefit in the identification of biological molecules. We report the use of SERS in differentiating the bound immunocomplex of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and its antibody from the unbound complex and its individual components. The SERS signal was enabled by gold nanoparticles attached to MPO, pAb and their immunocomplex at an excitation wavelength of 785 nm. The obtained SERS spectrum of MPO is in agreement with previous literature. Comparative SERS spectrum analysis of MPO, pAb, and their immunocomplex reveals the significant peak shifts and intensity variations caused by the conformational changes due to the immunocomplex formation. Several key areas have been identified which correspond to specific amino acids being shielded from undergoing resonance while new amino acid residues are made visible in the SERS spectrum of the immunocomplex and could be a result of conformational binding. Our work demonstrates the capability of SERS to identify binding events and differentiate an immunocomplex from its unbound components with direct applications in biosensors.Keywords: Gold nanoparticle; Antigen; Immunocomplex; Biosensors Citation: E. S. Papazoglou, S. Babu, S. Mohapatra, D. R. Hansberry and C. Patel, "Identification of binding interactions between myeloperoxidase and its antibody using SERS", Nano-Micro Lett. 2, 74-81 (2010). doi:10.5101/nml.v2i2. p74-82 Raman spectroscopy is a useful technique, based on Raman scattering, that has been widely used for molecular material
EXPERIMENTAL METHODSAll chemicals were purchased from Sigma Aldrich unless otherwise mentioned, pAb (rabbit anti human myeloperoxidase)was purchased from ABD-Serotec and myeloperoxidase (MPO) was purchased from Lee Biosolutions Inc.Gold nanoparticles were prepared according to Frens, G.[24] with added modifications. 500µl of 1% chloroauric acid Slides with immobilized gold nanoparticles were then washed with DI water and air dried. A well with a capacity of ~100 mL was constructed using plastic pipette and epoxy on top of the glass slide to facilitate pAb immobilization and subsequent SERS data collection. -Micro Lett. 2, 74-82 (2010) Polyclonal antibody was immobilized by letting ~100 ml of 100 nM pAb solutions interact with the gold nanoparticle coated slides for 15 minutes at room temperature followed by thorough washing with 1x PBS buffer (pH7.4). Gold nanoparticles coated with pAb were then allowed to interact with MPO (100 μl, 1 μM)
Nanofor 15 minutes at room temperature followed by washing. A similar procedure was followed to immobilize MPO (100 μl, 1 M) directly on gold nanoparticles. SERS data was collected from the Au-pAb conjugates, Au-pAb/MPO immunocomplex, and Au-MPO conjugates immediately after preparation using a Renishaw RM1000 confocal Raman microspectrometer with a 50x long focal microscope. A 785nm diode laser (15 mW) was used to collect the ...