The region of nuclei close to the neutron dripline is important in nuclear synthesis, and is one where weak nucleon binding and changes in the neutron-proton ratio (N/Z) can dramatically affect the underlying shell structure and nuclear properties. While technical advances continue to extend the frontier of neutron-rich nuclei, many remain beyond experimental reach and it is necessary to rely on calculation. In this context, the near-dripline fluorine and neon nuclei, with proton numbers Z = 9, 10 and neutron number N ∼ 20, provide a unique region accessible to experiment, where the effects of weak binding and increasing N/Z asymmetry coexist and can give rise to measurable effects. It is here, for example, that N = 20 ceases to be a "magic" shell closure [1] and a new shell gap emerges at N = 16. This is also where a dramatic jump in stability occurs between oxygen and fluorine, i.e., adding one proton extends the location of the dripline an extra six neutrons from 24 8 O 16 to 31 9 F 22 . The breakdown of the N = 20 shell gap is an example of nucleon-nucleon (spin-isospin, T = 0) interactions modifying single-particle energies and driving shell evolution [2] as well as deformation [3,4]. This gives rise to the well known "island of inversion" [5][6][7][8] around 32 Mg; where nuclear shapes switch from spherical to deformed due to the enhanced contribution from correlations generated by promoting neutron pairs across the reduced sd-fp (N = 20) shell gap. The enhanced stability of the most neutron-rich fluorine isotopes has also been linked [9] to a broken N = 20 shell and the increased contribution from correlations due to large fp-shell ("intruder") occupancy.In this Rapid Communication we present data and calculations on 30 10 Ne 20 , which is situated close to the last known, possibly last bound, isotopes of neon ( 34 Ne) and fluorine ( 31 F) and is also within the island of inversion. The cross section for the 32 Mg two-proton knockout reaction is measured and is found to be suppressed compared to calculation, indicating larger than predicted structural changes between the initial 32 Mg ground state and 30 Ne final states. The cross-section data are used to estimate the neutron fp-shell occupation probabilities in 30 Ne. We discuss these results in the context of the N = 20 shell gap and enhanced stability of neutron-rich 29,31 F.Data were taken in two experiments at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University. In both experiments 32 Mg ions were produced by fragmenting a 140 MeV/nucleon 48 Ca beam on a 850 mg/cm 2 9 Be production target. The A1900 fragment separator [10], operated with a 2% momentum acceptance, was used to select and transport the 32 Mg ions to the S800 [11] beamline where they underwent reactions on a second 9 Be target at the target position of the S800 spectrograph. In the first (second) experiment the 32 Mg secondary beam energy was 99.7 (86.7) MeV/nucleon incident on a 565 (376) mg/cm 2 9 Be target.30 Ne fragments were identified by momentum and ener...