This work describes the control of biodiesel production from renewable and waste raw materials. Biodiesel for internal combustion engines are currently produced and used with all its advantages (reducing CO 2 , produced from renewable materials) and disadvantages (higher nitrogen oxide emissions). For production of biodiesel was implemented and deployed controlling system based on programmable logic controller Saia. Programmable logic controllers are widely used and deployed from the smallest to the largest manufacturing processes in industry. The control system maintains the required parameters of a chemical reaction, in which biodiesel is created from renewable or waste raw materials.
AbstraktV článku je popsáno řízení výroby bionafty z obnovitelných zdrojů a z odpadních surovin. Bionafta pro spalovací motory je v současné době vyráběna a používána se všemi jejími výhodami (snižování emisí CO2, výroba z obnovitelných zdrojů) a nevýhodami (zvýšení emisí oxidů dusíku). Pro výrobu bionafty byl vyvinut a nasazen kontrolní řídicí systém založený na programovatelném automatu Saia. Programovatelné automaty jsou široce používány a nasazovány v průmyslových výrobních procesech, a to jak v těch nejmenších, tak i ve velmi komplexních zařízeních. Popisovaný řídicí systém udržuje požadované parametry chemické reakce, při které je bionafta vyráběna z obnovitelných zdrojů nebo odpadních surovin.
INTRODUCTIONNowadays biodiesel is used as an alternative ecological fuel, but it has a few advantages and disadvantages. For example, advantages include production from renewable materials (oils, fats), low environmental burden and lower CO 2 emissions when is used normal biodiesel. On the other hand, production includes higher cost of some materials and there are higher nitrogen oxides emissions.Production is providing by a transesterification of free fatty acids (see Ataya et al., 2006;Canakci & Gerpen, 2001; Van Gerpen, 2005).Because the process was manually controlled and it was a lot of time consuming, It was designed a simple controlling system for production of biodiesel. It's based on programmable logic controller from SAIA Company.The control system provides reactor temperature control, dosing of feedstock and other components, process visualization and easy setting and remote aces through LAN or GSM modem by text messages.
FATS TRANSESTERIFICATIONProduction of biodiesel runs on chemical reaction -transesterification with presence of these materials: Free fatty acids -used cooking oils from food-processing industry, fast foods or fats from leather remains from leather industry Methanol Catalyst, usually it is acid or alkaline, according to used raw materials, usually dissolved in methanol Methyl esters (biodiesel) and glycerol are created by this reaction. Glycerol can be easily removed from biodiesel in centrifuge due his higher density than biodiesel.During the development in several studies present a lot of ways of transesterification, such as parameters that can be changed: Temperature Pressure Catalys...