We report on the measurement of the exciton homogeneous linewidth in nitrogen impurity centers in GaAs:N. Fourier spectroscopy on a single center revealed a long coherence time over 300 ps at low temperature. The narrowest linewidth obtained at liquid helium temperature is 3.5 μeV, which is comparable with that of semiconductor quantum dots. The linewidth increases with increasing temperature, showing a thermally activated behavior with activation energies of 2∼5 meV.Single impurity centers in semiconductors have attracted significant attention because of their potential application as non-classical light sources, such as single photon source or indistinguishable photon source. Nitrogen isoelectronic impurity in III-V compound semiconductor [1, 2] is one of such promising candidates. Recently, single photon generation has been demonstrated for GaP:N[3] and GaAs:N[4]. In these materials, a nitrogen atom substitutes for a phosphorous site or an arsenic site, attracting an electron due to its strong electronegativity. Then a hole is attracted by the electron by the Coulomb interaction. The resulting bound exciton shows bright and sharp luminescence.Knowledge of the dephasing is of particular importance for sophisticated application such as photon interference [5,6,7,8], which is a key mechanism to achieve entanglement between remote qubits [9]. So far the coherence time T 2 or the homogeneous linewidth Γ h , given by the inverse coherence time, has never been studied for nitrogen luminescence centers in GaAs:N. In this work, we report on the exciton homogeneous linewidth in nitrogen impurity centers in GaAs:N measured by Fourier spectroscopy on a single center, and discuss the temperature dependence.The nitrogen delta-doped GaAs sample is the same one used in ref. [4]. The sample was kept in a homemade confocal microscope system which was inserted in a helium-bath cryostat. A hemispherical solid immersion lens was attached to the sample surface to improve the spatial resolution and the collection efficiency. The system allows us to observe a single luminescence center more than 15 hours with negligible drift. Excitation light source was a semiconductor laser emitting at 405 nm.As shown in Fig.1 (a), photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the sample shows a broad and rough luminescence band below 1510 meV at 5 K. The band arises from localized states and consists of many sharp lines, which correspond to PL from individual nitrogen centers [4]. The origin of the inhomogeneously broadened luminescence center is not understood well, and they are temporary assigned to NN pairs. A single center was spatially selected by the mode field diameter of a single mode fiber and spectrally selected by a narrow band-pass filter whose central wavelength is about 827 nm. The emitted single photons were sent to a MachZehnder interferometer through the single mode optical fiber and detected by a Si avalanche photodiode singlephoton counting module. The autocorrelation function was obtained by scanning the path length of an optical arm of t...