In this work is presented a method for analytically cdculating the distribution of photons detected in SPECT projections. The technique is appLicabIe to sources in homogeneous and non-homogeneous media. The photon distribution (primary, first and second order Compton scatter, and first order Rayleigh scatter) is computed using precdculated camera-dependent lookup tables in conjunction with an attenuation map of the scattering object aad a map of the activity distribution.The resdts of the technique are in excellent agreement with those of Monte Carlo simulation and experimental phantom studies. It has b e n validated with respect to sources in both homogeneous and noa-homogeneous media.Compared with a similar andyticd technique, it offers a factor of 40-60 decrease in the cdculation time for higher order Compton scatter distributions. For small sources, it improves on computation tirne required by Monte Carlo simulators by a factor of 20-150.Finally, this method has been applied to the problem of correcting for cross-taik in 1231-99mT~ dual-isotope SPECT studies. It has demonstrated the ability to accurately reproduce the shape of the cross-talk distribution and to reproduce the absolute activity of the sources to within 7%, dowing accurate removai of cross-talk contamination.
Abstract. .