“…The conventional transperitoneal RARP is the most commonly done approach using the SP platform and it usually involves the use of an additional port incision for bedside assistance ( 67 , 79 , 81 – 83 , 85 – 87 ), albeit the largest series of SP-RARP outcomes was performed using a pure single-port transperitoneal approach ( 63 ). Second most common SP-RARP modality is via an extraperitoneal approach ( 87 ), which was described using pure SP that allows for SDD ( 28 ), SP + 1 with a drain that is removed on POD 1 ( 88 ), and single-site using a MP robotic platform ( 74 , 76 ). The extraperitoneal approach may be indicated if planning for SDD as it minimizes peritoneal irritation, or for men with hostile abdomen and/or comorbidities at odds with maintaining a prolonged pneumoperitoneum ( 28 , 88 ).…”