PRELIMINARY RESULTS WITH THE NITRIC OXYDE (NO) DONOR SIN 1 IN THE TREATMENT OF HUMAN EREC-TILE DYSFUNCTION.Recent experimental studies showed an important role of endothelium derived relaxing factor (EDRF) for cavernous smooth muscle relaxation. Since nitric oxide (NO) seems to account for the biological actions of EDRF, a study was done to examine a possible role of the NO-donor SIN-I in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. To determine the therapeutic range, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 mg SIN-I were injected intracavernously in 2 patients with erectile dysfunction each. Then, 40 patients were injected 1 mg SIN-1 including 4 patients that had prolonged erections to minimal doses of papaverine-phentolamine and 4 patients that did not respond with a full erection to other pharmacologic agents, lntracavernous injection of SIN-1 induced a dose dependent erectile response by increasing the arterial inflow and relaxing cavernous smooth muscles. To I mg SIN-I, 19 patients had a full, 14 an ahnost full and 7 a moderate erection. There were no systemic or local side effects. In the patients with prolonged erections to papaverine-phentolamine, the mean duration of a full erection to SIN-1 was 68 minutes. Compared to a papaverine (15 mg/ml)-phentolamine (0.5 mg/ml) mixture, the erectile response to SIN-I was superior in 8, comparable in 29 and inferior in 3 patients. Our preliminary data suggest a possible role of SIN-I for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The absence of prolonged erections by its spontaneous intracavernous decomposition, a maximal smooth muscle relaxation by a receptor independant action and its low cost indicate its potential to become a standard drug for intracavernous pharmacotherapy. Key-words : erectile dysfunction, autoqnjection therapy, EDRF, nitric oxyde Linsidomine. Andrologie, 1991, 1 : 83-84.Le muscle lisse caverneux silud duns la parol des art~res et des espaces sinusoides joue un rdle capital duns rdrection. Sa relaxation diminue les rdsistances pdriphdriques, permet le remplissage des sinus cavemeux e~ rdduit le drainage veineux (L13). Le factcur relaxant d'origine endothdliale (EDRF) joue un r61e physiologique important dans la relaxation des muscles lisses vasculaires. On pense gdndralement que c'est le monoxyde d'azote (NO) ou un compos6 contenant du NO et synthdtisd 5, partir de la L-Arginine, qui rend compte de ractivit6 biologique de rEDRF (3,5,6,10). Rdcemment des 6tudes in vitro fakes sur le pdnis du lapin et de rhomme (7,8,10,12) ont montrd que le NO, ou un composd en contenant et probablement libdrd par des nerfs, jouent un rdle dans la rdgulation du tonus du muscle lisse caverneux. In vivo, des dtudes faites chez le lapin sont dgalement en faveur d'un rdle de la vole L-Arginine-NO dans le contrdle de rdrection (9).I1 paraissait donc intdressant de tester rinjection intracaverneuse d'un donneur de NO dans le traitement de rimpuissance. Ce type d'injection devrait induire un effet plus proche de la physiologie que les injections de Papavdrine ou de Prostaglandine El. Nous prdsentons...