Retrograde axonal transport of nerve growth factor (NGF) signals is critical for the survival, differentiation, and maintenance of peripheral sympathetic and sensory neurons and basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. However, the mechanisms by which the NGF signal is propagated from the axon terminal to the cell body are yet to be fully elucidated. To gain insight into the mechanisms, we used quantum dot-labeled NGF (QD-NGF) to track the movement of NGF in real time in compartmentalized culture of rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Our studies showed that active transport of NGF within the axons was characterized by rapid, unidirectional movements interrupted by frequent pauses. Almost all movements were retrograde, but short-distance anterograde movements were occasionally observed. Surprisingly, quantitative analysis at the single molecule level demonstrated that the majority of NGFcontaining endosomes contained only a single NGF dimer. Electron microscopic analysis of axonal vesicles carrying QD-NGF confirmed this finding. The majority of QD-NGF was found to localize in vesicles 50 -150 nm in diameter with a single lumen and no visible intralumenal membranous components. Our findings point to the possibility that a single NGF dimer is sufficient to sustain signaling during retrograde axonal transport to the cell imaging ͉ nerve growth factor ͉ single molecule imaging ͉ NGF signaling ͉ retrograde transport N erve growth factor (NGF) is produced and released by target tissues to activate specific receptors at the axon terminals of innervating neurons. In order for NGF to regulate gene expression and the survival of target neurons, a signal must be moved a considerable distance, in some cases Ͼ1,000-fold the diameter of the neuron cell body. The elucidation of the mechanism(s) used to transmit NGF signal from the terminals of axons to cell bodies of neurons is yet to be fully defined. In that retrograde NGF signaling is critical for the survival and maintenance of neurons of both the peripheral and central nervous systems, and the underlying mechanisms are likely to be shared by related neurotrophic factors, the issue remains one of the most significant and intriguing questions in neurobiology (1-16).In the past, radio-labeled NGF ( 125 I-NGF) has been used to study the binding, internalization, and axonal transport of NGF. These studies facilitated the measurement of transport rate and provided insights into the endocytic pathways used for NGF transport (8,(16)(17)(18)(19). Fluorescent labels such as rhodamine (20), Texas red (21), and Cy3 (22) were also used to track NGF movement in neurons. However, because these previous methods have limited spatial and temporal resolution, they provide only a coarse look at what is expected to be a very dynamic process. Moreover, few studies have examined NGF-containing endosomes during axonal transit. Some have suggested that NGF is transported principally within early endosomes (4, 5, 7-14) whereas others suggest that NGF is transported in organelles with com...