A variable depth peanut digger was developed for use in assessing the ability to reduce digging losses as a function of digging blade angle and on-board remote sensing. Soil electrical conductivity (EC) data were used to divide a field into three zones, ranging from sand to clay texture. A computer controlled hydraulic top link was provided for adjustment of top link extension and therefore the digging angle. The optimal top link position was determined for each of the three zones by visual observation of the windrow and these three top link positions were applied in six replications across all three zones. Additional top link positions were conducted in the clay and sand soil zones, operating shallower than optimal in the sand texture zone and deeper than recommended in the clay texture zone. Average digging losses (dry basis) ranged from 156 to 556 kg ha -1 (138 to 496 lb ac -1 ) in the sand texture zone, 330 to 854 kg ha -1 (294 to 761 lb ac -1 ) in the medium texture zone, and 674 to 1,190 kg ha -1 (601 to 1,061 lb ac -1 ) in the clay texture zone. Within each texture zone, the optimum indicated soil draft force, as indicated by a load shank positioned behind the center coulter, increased from coarse to fine soil textures. Hydraulic top link pressure indicated potential for use as an on-thego feedback-based control for optimizing digging depth, with minimized digging losses occurring in the same range of pressure across two soil textures. A digging blade depth gauge was effective in on-the-go indication of blade depth and demonstrated potential for on-the-go digging angle prescription, but only where incomplete canopy coverage existed. The developed prototype demonstrated the potential for $47 ha -1 ($19 ac -1 ) in yield loss savings with an estimated break-even payoff acreage of 109 ha (269 ac).