We report the three-dimensional (3D) mapping of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), soot, and hydroxyl radicals (OH) in ethylene/air diffusion flames. A structured illumination-based frequency recognition algorithm for multiple exposures (FRAME) approach is combined with sample translation to intersect the flame in several two-dimensional planes. The FRAME technique has been used for recording a snapshot of multiple species on a single camera. It relies on extracting the amplitude of spatial modulation of two or more probed species encoded on a single sub-image. Here, the FRAME technique is first applied for simultaneous imaging of PAH by laser-induced fluorescence (PAH-LIF) and soot by laser-induced incandescence (LII). Sequentially, it is employed for simultaneous mapping of OH-LIF and soot-LII. The LII signal is converted to absolute soot volume fraction (fv) maps using a line-of-sight light extinction measurement. Finally, we have demonstrated the approach for layer-wise 2D imaging of soot volume fraction and averaged 3D mapping of multiple species.