What is the most significant result of this study?The ability to identify adsorbed intermediates in ac atalytic reaction is of paramount importance to furthering our understanding of catalytic processes. Infrared spectroscopy is often the technique of choice, but it has limitations concerning sensitivity.U sing highenergy resolution fluorescence detection (HERFD) X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) we have been able to demonstrate that there are unique features in the spectra that can be assigned to specific ligands bound to ac atalytic iridium center.H ERFD-XAS is thus expected to have an increasing role in catalysis research by facilitating the determination of mechanisms of solid-catalyzed reactions through identification of reaction intermediates in working catalysts How would you describe to the layperson the most significant result of this study?We are using synchrotron light sources to probe catalysts, materials that speed up chemical reactions so they use less energy and produce less waste, at the molecular level to discover how they work so that we can improve them.
What was the inspiration for this cover design?Any time you are invited to submit cover art there is the excitement in brainstorming ideas that portray the science in am eaningful but visual and striking way.F or this cover,w ew anted to summarize the key conclusion in as ingle image-the need for as ynchrotron like SSRL to provide X-ray photons of sufficienti ntensity, the structure of the catalyst that was actually probed, the spectrometer,a nd the resulting X-ray absorption spectrum. The resulting image nicely captures all of these elements.
Who contributed to the idea behind the cover?Primarily Simon Bare and Adam Hoffmanw orking with the graphic artist Gregory Stewart at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory What other topicsare you working on at the moment?Motivateda nd excited by this work, we are nowe xtendingt he application of HERFD-XAS to probet he electronic environmento ft he metalc enter in more challenging catalysts ystems. Thesei nclude,catalystsw ithe xtremely low metal loading (< 0.005 wt%m etal), ionic liquidm odified catalysts, ands tructureo ft he actual working catalyst in isolateds ingle site iridium catalysts under ethylene hydrogenation conditions. Each of these experiments brings new challengesa nd has thep otentialt oe xpandour understandingo fs uch catalysts.